Actor and Producer Anil Kapoor has taken legal action to safeguard his Publicity/Personality rights. He has filed a suit in the Delhi High Court, requesting a permanent injunction against the unauthorized use of his name, voice, signature, image, or any attribute exclusively linked to him for commercial or personal gain without his consent. This move reflects Kapoor's commitment to protecting his identity and reputation in an era of rampant digital content sharing.
Sharing his thoughts on the legal suit, Anil Kapoor shares, “I had filed a suit in Delhi high court through my lawyer Mr. Ameet Naik for protection of my personality rights including my name, image, likeness, voice and other attributes of my personality against any misuse including on digital media. The suit has various instances of misuse of my attributes.”
“The court has after a detailed hearing granted an order acknowledging my personality rights and restraining all offenders from misusing my personality attributes including my name, image, likeness, voice etc without my permission in any manner including through artificial intelligence, deep fakes, GIFs. etc. my intention is not to interfere with anyone’s freedom or expression or to penalise anyone. My personality is my life's work and I've worked hard to build it. With this lawsuit, I'm seeking protection of my personality rights to prevent against it's misuse in any way, particularly in the current scenario with rapid changes in technology and tools like artificial intelligence that are easily misused to the detriment of the owners of such rights.”
Anil Kapoor's name, likeness, voice, or any other feature of his identity may not be used by anybody to produce items, ringtones, or other products, according to the ruling issued by Justice Prathiba M. Singh.
In cases where such actions are likely to infringe against Kapoor's rights, the Court additionally prohibited the use of artificial intelligence systems to morph his image as well as the usage of his image in GIFs for monetary benefit or commercial purposes.
On the work front Anil Kapoor's AKFCN produced film "Thank You For Coming" was recently premiered at the Toronto international Film Festival and received a standing ovation. The film is set to release on October 6th, 2023 and fans cannot wait to see this coming age of comedy.
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